Kremlin Propaganda

Popular Russian movies that promote Russian Propaganda:

  • Prisoner of the Mountains” 1996. Romanticizes the Chechen war and portrays Russians as heroes instead of invaders.
  • The Thief” 1997. Romanticizes the WW2 and portrays the Soviet army as heroes.
  • Brother” 1997. Romanticizes Russian mobsters.
  • Brother 2” 2000. Romanticizes Russian mobsters.
  • DMB” 2000. Romanticizes the Russian army.
  • Sisters” 2001. Romanticizes Russian mobsters.
  • War” 2002. Romanticizes the Chechen war and portrays Russians as heroes instead of invaders.
  • Bumer” 2003. Romanticizes Russian mobsters.
  • Blind Man’s Bluff” 2005. Romanticizes Russian mobsters.
  • 9th Company” 2005. Romanticizes the World in Afghanistan and portrays the Soviet army as heroes.
  • Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan” 2007. Tells the story that Mongolian were controlling “half of the world”. Nobody is mentioning that the Mongolian army was only half of a million people and Russia was their ally. This movie was targeted at the West.
  • Brest Fortress” 2010. Romanticizes the WW2 and portrays the Soviet army as heroes.
  • Battle for Sevastopol” 2015. Romanticizes the WW2 and portrays the Soviet army as heroes.
  • Panfilov’s 28” 2016.
  • T-34” 2018. Romanticizes the WW2 and portrays the Soviet army as heroes.
  • Kalashnikov” 2020. Romanticizes the WW2 and portrays the Soviet army as heroes.

Popular Russian TV Series that promote Russian Propaganda:

  • Streets of Broken Lights” (1998-2019) with 19 seasons. TV-Series about cops and romanticizes Russian mobsters.
  • Bandit Petersburg” (2000-2007). Romanticizes Russian mobsters.
  • Brigade” 2002. Romanticizes Russian mobsters.
  • Soldiers” (2004-2013). Notice the years here. It started in 2004 when pro-Russian president Yanukovych in Ukraine was overthrown during Orange Revolution. It ended in 2013. It was the year before when the same pro-Russian president Yanukovych in Ukraine was overthrown a second time during the Revolution of Dignity. The same year when Russia annexed Crimea and invaded Eastern Ukraine. These TV Series promote the idea that if you can’t find a job you can always join the contract military service.
  • Cadets” (2006-2007). Romanticizes the Russian army. The story about thug-kids who is studying in the Cadet School.
  • Kremlin cadets” (2009-2010). The sequel for the Cadets TV-Series.
  • 80s” (2012-2016). Romanticizes the life in USSR in the 1980s.

Justification of the war

The false-flag operation is a deception operation designed to give an excuse to invade another country. False-flag invasions are a Russian specialty. Moscow used a false-flag operation to justify the invasion of Finland in 1939. And also tried to use it before the invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
In 2014 Moscow was trying to shoot down a Russian passenger plane, to create the pretext for invading Ukraine. The plane for the planned attack was Aeroflot flight AFL 2074 (Moscow-Larnaka). Russian soldiers accidentally shot down the Malaysian plane (MH17) instead.

Kremlin Propaganda for the West

Elon Musk

Kremlin propaganda Elon Musk
Kremlin propaganda Elon Musk

Tucker Carlson – host on Fox News

Tucker Carlson – was a primary host on Fox News with 3-4 viewers on average. He was supported by Trump and heavily supported the Kremlin narrative. Tucker was appointed one year prior Trump became a president and his influence faded away immediately after Trump’s arrest.

Oliver Stone

Top list of websites

  • Russia Today This one is Kremlin propaganda flagman with covering current events. It is translated into 7 languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Arabic, Serbian and Russian. Notice that the list of languages perfectly summarize the desired areas to spread propaganda at.
  • Russia Beyond This one is more like historic propaganda to maintain the Kremlin narrative. Translated into 14 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, Japanese, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Indonesian and Russian.


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